General Dentistry Services
You want to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy, and that there are no underlying issues which might become a problem.

During your examination, we screen the mouth for oral cancer, check the gum condition, the teeth, and are happy to deal with any queries which you might have.
For the majority of patients we recommend a check-up every six months, although we assess if you would either benefit from more or less frequent visits.

One of the most common concerns about dentistry involves injections; We were one of the first practices, in the UK to adopted computerized injections.
We also use the numbing gel first, and take care with every injection we give. We also do not simply use one type of anaesthetic for each patient, but choose different techniques, amounts and types tailored to the patient, the site and the procedure.

The old adage, ‘The best dentistry is no dentistry’ still applies, and so preventive dentistry remains the keystone of the practice.
Our hygienist will help you, both by meticulously getting rid of stubborn areas of plaque and calculus, which might have built up, and by advising you on the best home-care.
We are able to work with you to find the best combination of brushes, floss, or specialist bottle-brushes to help you keep your gums healthy. We can also advise you on elements of your diet, which might give rise to problems in your mouth.

You often need to have x-rays to make certain that any areas of decay, bone loss or infection are found early, before you have a problem.
We have been using the combination of the latest x-ray machines, and digital films for close to 15 years, in order to reduce any radiation you might receive. Following national guidelines, we take routine x-rays between every 2-3 years, depending on your individual needs. In addition, we check the x-rays while you are still present, so you either have the comfort of knowing there is nothing wrong, or if less lucky, the convenience of being able to discuss the matter and arrange appropriate appointments before you leave.

You want your teeth to look natural, and feel natural if you do need a filling. White fillings placed by a knowledgeable dentist can last even longer than the silver amalgam fillings.
Dr Holmes has been using only white, mercury free fillings for over 10 years. He has been picked by leading dental companies to teach other dentists the methods of achieving success with white fillings. His clinical work is respected so much that the dental companies have used it for the launch of four separate white filling materials. Recently he has been short-listed as a finalist for his work with white-filling materials.
(Look at our gallery to see where the filling actually is.)

Sometimes the most appropriate treatment night involve the removal of a tooth.
You need some-one to understand just how traumatic this can be for you, and we undertake to look after you. We have an experienced dentist with further post-graduate qualifications in surgical dentistry, so, should the extraction potentially be more complex, we can still help, and his experience will make the process smoother.

Although both implants and bridges are a great way to either avoid or get rid off dentures, you might be perfectly happy with removable dentures.
We are able to over highly individualized dentures, either with plastic or metal bases to replace your missing teeth. There is the added reassurance that, if you then feel you wish to proceed to implants, we will be able to use the information we already have gained.

You never plan to have a problem with your teeth, but when you do it’s nice to know we are there.
We endeavour to get you in the day you call, to at least assess the problem, and, if we can, to start to remedy it. If you are able to telephone as close to our opening of 8-30 am, it helps us to offer as many options as possible.