We want to hear from you
We provide the service that we think you want.
You however know what service you want.
If there are any areas, you can e-mail us using the form below, write to us or telephone us.
After each appointment with us we will send you an email to allow you chance to provide us feedback on your experience. This is a valuable insight to the patients journey and we act upon suggestions raised. It is lovely to be able to share positive feedback with our valued staff. We always encourage concerns, complaints and compliments, feel free to discuss this with any of our staff members at any stage of your journey with us.
What Can We Do For You
There might be something you feel we can improve on.
There might be an aspect that we have introduced that you love and want to make sure we keep.
There might be something you have seen elsewhere that you think we could copy.
Like all professional bodies, we have external bodies who regulate us.
The General Dental Council, known as The GDC
Find out more about The GDC here.
The Care Quality Commission, CQC